BA800E Breathing air compressor
The BA800E is an electric fully mobile, self contained breathing-air compressor producing up to 800 l/min at 8 bar and incorporates breathing-air filtration with a pressure swing dryer CO and CO2 suppression system. The unit incorporates FACTAIR’s ‘fail-safe’ system providing automatic back up from high-pressure cylinders, ensuring a safe exit from the workplace in the event of failure of the primary supply.
The breathing-air is delivered through 4 fixed pressure, flow protected outlets, for positive pressure demand masks, with a switchable option to allow a regulated supply for constant flow devices. In addition a larger diameter single outlet is fitted for breathing air to be delivered to a remote distribution system.
The units also incorporate volt free contacts to interface with external alarm/shut down devices and a sophisticated minimum loss control system for the HP reserve. The BA800E has been designed to work in wide range of demanding environments with a sand trap louvre ventilation allowing the units to operate in dusty conditions.
Air quality exceeds the criteria laid down in BS EN12021 and units are built in our Quality Assured workshopsunder procedures approved to ISO 9001. Both units have European Community Whole of Vehicle Type Approval 2007/46/EC as well as complying with EC noise regulations of 97LWA

ELECTRIC MOTOR 7.5kW 380V, 3 phse N+E, 50Hz
COMPRESSOR Mattei ERC507H rotary vane (13bar maximum pressure)
AFTERCOOLER Outlet temperature within 5°C of ambient
FILTRATION Purifies air to breathing quality conforming to EN 12021. BA800E only incorporates a pressure swing dryer reducing the dewpoint to –40°C and provides CO and CO2 suppression
BA OUTPUT CAPACITY BA800E - 540 to 800LPM @ 8 Bar
TOTAL CYL. CAPACITY 4 off 9 litre 200bar HP cylinders. 7,200 litres storage capacity. or 4 off 9 litre 300 bar HP cylinders, 10,800 litres storage capacity OUTLETS 4 off Draeger/Scott compatible couplings, switchable between:- Fixed pressure flow protected for demand masks Regulated pressure for constant flow devices. 1 off ½" CEJN 442 high flow non-regulated coupling.
OUTLETS 4 off Draeger/Scott compatible couplings, switchable between:- Fixed pressure flow protected for demand masks Regulated pressure for constant flow devices.
1 off ½" CEJN 442 high flow non-regulated coupling.
CHASSIS Approved to 2007/46/EC road towing under 750kg.
DIMENSIONS Length <3500mm, Width 1440mm, Height 1550mm
ENCLOSURE Gull wing type doors for easy access, sand trap ventilation louvres to reduce enclosure contamination.
TOWING HITCH 50 mm bal
BATTERY 12 volt DC – Negative earth
STANDARD FEATURES Lifting eye, hours run meter, Fully automatic ‘fail-safe' reserve from high-pressure cylinders with start up protection. Electronic minimum air loss HP cylinder control system. Motor shut-down activated by high temperature compressor oil.
GAUGES SHOW HP cylinder pressure · System pressure · Regulated pressure
LED INDICATORS Cylinder status
AUDIBLE ALARMS Primary air supply failure. Air reserve inadequate and low fuel leve
VISUAL ALARMS Primary air supply failure. Air reserve inadequate and low fuel level
ALARM INTERFACE Optional Volt free contacts to accept alarm input from external alarm, shut down devices*
ALARM DATA Full alarm event log downloadable via USB port
ENVIRONMENTAL Oil tight chassis.
NOISE LEVEL Approved to <97 LWA. (Better than 75dBA @ 1 metre)
WASTES Discharge from oil removal filter autodrains gathered into a container for proper disposal
QUALITY BA800E manufactured in accordance with our Quality Assurance Procedures approved to ISO9001.
* - Unit will need to be configured to suit specified devices.