Factair's TrailAir range of long durtion cylinder sets provide a hugely mobile source of breathing-air and are ideally suited to applications where the use of a mobile breathing-air compressor would be inappropriate.
As standard each unit is road towable and fitted with a penumatic alarm system, to warn when the pressure drops below a pre-set level, together with an autochangeover system to a failsafe emergency backup cylinder supply. Connections on the control panel allow in situ recharging of the cylinders.
Units can be provided in a variety of cylinder configurations depending on the amount of capacity required; additional options include hose reels and storage facilities for airlines and masks.
Sale or hire options available.
TrailAir - With 4 no. 80 litre HP cylinders for primary supply and 1 no. 30 litre HP cylinder for fail safe emerency reserve
TrailAir - With 2 no. 50 litre HP cylinders for primary supply and 1 no. 20 litre HP cylinder for fail safe emergency reserve