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Overblowing Clam Shell 

The Clam Shell Overblowing Unit provides a secure enclosure to blow new fibre unit into microduct which has a pre existing fibre installed. 
The clam shell unit is supplied with interchangeable gaskets for 5mm and 8mm outside diameter microduct. Their design ensure a low leak rate during the fibre blowing to maximise the capacity available from the blowing head and compressor. 
The clam shell has a hinged design so that the microducts and fibre can be positioned inside the assembly and then secured using the tightening thumbscrew. 
The enclosure is suitable for operation at pressure of up to 15 barg. 
At the completion of the fibre installation the microducts and fibres can be removed and then a snap fit enclosure used to seal them. 
Overblowing Clam Shell